Email Marketing

We all know the importance of Email. And we all know how irritating it is when we get a bunch of useless promotional Emails. Email Marketing is sending valuable and worthy messages to a group of people who already showed certain interest in our product or services via Emails. There are certain strategies in Email marketing. Through Email marketing we can able to connect with particular audiences. The Copy of the email should be attractive or just like a story telling. Email is considered as a one to many communication channel where a particular organization can target a list of customers and prospects. It is one of the best cost effective ways to reach people, engage with them and retain our customers. Our team of professionals send the right mail to the right people at the right period of time. Compared to other Marketing professionals we can assure that we will result in 3x revenue out of the actual investment. Our types of email marketing includes newsletters, blog emails, retention emails, and promotional emails with special offers. Email marketing is in the high on demand topic because of its value around the world. A unique copy email can generate trust and brand awareness in a short duration of time. We help large and small businesses to optimize their email campaigns with deliverability tools and reputation-focused products.

Our Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing mediums where you can expect 2x of return for every dime you spend on campaigns. Are you getting a high ROI from your Email Marketing strategies? If not, follow our customized strategies for a better ROI.

1. Email Marketing is targeted and personalized
Is there any result with sending the same Email to your Email List? Of Course Not. Sending the same Email to your repeated Email list is unpleasant. It is just like posting the same post on different social media. The technique behind sending email is it should be tailored and segmented based on your user characteristics. For that, you have to identify where your users are in the sales funnel, how they are engaged with your brand, and in which time interval they sign up your email signup forms. Our customized Email marketing solutions includes a number of recipient email variables that you can implement on our email templates to achieve a highly customized experience for your recipients.

2. A/B testing before the Email Campaign is on Live
A dedicated A/B Testing helps you discover what resonates with your targeted audience. A testing can help to measure how your targeted audience clicks through your landing pages. According to the testing, you can modify your AD copy and landing page even better. During the testing, you can try various AD copies, subject lines, and different Campaign templates. We offer up to 10 different versions of your Email campaigns to analyze which has the best email marketing output.

3. Optimal Send Times
Each Email Campaign has their own time settings. Time setting in the sense, if the campaign has any optimal timing and frequency it will greatly impact the ROI and reach of the mail. The best and highly converting Email consists of staying on the audience’s radar and bombarding at the right time on their inbox. Each contact’s behavior is different. So treat them differently. Our dedicated Email Campaign professionals analyze Send Time Optimization and deliver each mails at the perfect time for them. Our customized email analytics can help you check the open rates, click rates and determine the optimal time and frequency for mailing.

4. More Attached with Customers
Every recipient is unpleasant with getting bulk emails when they open Emails. So the unsubscribe rate from their side is increasing. If our Mail Copy is not catchy, then surely there is a chance to get rejected. The customized strategies help us to improve the open rates of Emails. Once you attain trust and a captive audience, your open rates and Clicks through rates (CTR) will automatically increase as magic.